Marketing is pretty simple.

We move people from a “Before” state to a desired “After” state.

In the “Before” state the customer is discontent in some way. They might be in pain, bored, frightened or unhappy for any number of other reasons. In the “After” state — life is better. They are free of pain, entertained or unafraid of what previously plagued them.

One of the fundamental issues we see when it comes to membership marketing is that the messaging only focuses on the features and amenities that a club offers its members.  But people don’t buy products or services…they buy outcomes, or benefits. They buy access to the “After” state.

A great offer will genuinely move a customer to a desired “After” state, and great marketing simply articulates the move from the “Before” state to the desired “After” state. Most clubs that are struggling are doing so because either…they fail to offer a desired “After” state (The offer is no good), or more likely, they fail to articulate the movement from “Before” to “After” (the marketing is no good).

If you’ve ever seen a commercial for Cialis or Viagra, then you’ve seen a perfect example of the articulation of movement from the "Before” state to the desired “After” state. Very little is ever mentioned about what the product is or does. Instead…just bathtubs and sunsets.

Needless to say — getting clear on the desired outcome your offer delivers is fundamental to the success of your club. Here’s a quick way to get that clarity…

Before you make any further marketing decisions — go through this exercise.  Ask yourself these 8 questions…

  1. What does your prospect HAVE in the “Before” state?

  2. What does your prospect HAVE in the “After” state?

  3. How does your prospect FEEL in the “Before” state?

  4. How does your prospect FEEL in the “After” state?

  5. What is an AVERAGE DAY like for your prospect in the “Before” state?

  6. What is an AVERAGE DAY like for your prospect in the “After” state?

  7. What is your prospect’s STATUS in the “Before” state?

  8. What is your prospect’s STATUS in the “After” state?

For example, we’ve done some consulting for a club that offers a Preview membership targeted primarily to new homebuyers in a highly transient area. It’s a fairly standard Preview that allows people to join the club for a fraction of the price and they have 6 months to make the decision to join permanently or simply walk away.

But it does so much more than that.

As a member of a private club, I know that joining a club can be an intimidating, frustrating experience, especially for someone with a family who is new to the area.

People that buy this Preview membership are transformed…

  • From HAVING no friends or local knowledge to having a network of new, friendly faces and a place to feel welcomed.

  • From FEELING insecure and stressed to confident and in control.

  • From having an AVERAGE DAY worried about the family assimilating into the community to feeling comfortable about their new surroundings.

  • From a STATUS of “newcomer” to a “local”.

Average marketing only articulates what a member will HAVE if they join their club. Great marketing speaks to how a member will FEEL, how their AVERAGE DAY will change and how their STATUS will elevate. With this simple 8-Question “Before/After” Grid you will be able to create a marketing message that will have an impact.

The marketing message writes itself now that you are clear on the “Before” and “After”…

  • “Welcome to the neighborhood…We’ll make you a local in no time!”

  • “Ready for one more ‘moving experience’?  We’re the club that makes everyone feel at home.”

  • “Say goodbye to moving stress. We’ve got just the thing to help get you settled.”

  • “You’re friends are already here.”

This messaging clearly articulates how the club will move the prospect from a “Before” state of stress and insecurity to an “After” state of security and happiness. Bathtubs and sunsets. It’s powerful stuff.

It’s also important to note that this messaging doesn’t need to be used in a blatant ad, email, direct mail or social campaign …it can just simply be the basis for a conversation with a prospect that recently moved to the area.  Marketing comes in many different forms.

But understanding how you will transform your prospect from a “Before” state to a desired “After” state also impacts how much you can charge. What is the distance between the “Before” and desired “After” state? That distance is called VALUE.

If you want to charge more for your initiation fees and dues, you’ll need to create a greater distance between the “Before” and desired “After” state by either: creating a better product or service (better offer); or, articulating the movement from “Before” to “After” differently or more clearly (better marketing).

If you’re not able to clearly articulate how you can take your prospect from the “Before” state to a desired “After” state, you may have an issue with Value Proposition.  There may be nothing more important than Value Proposition, simply because every other part of the member recruitment process is dependent upon having a group of willing and able buyers.